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This unit on "Animals of the Bible" add-on lesson is informative and fun.
What preschooler does not like animals and what better way to learn about animals than through God’s Word.
What kind of animal stories are in the Bible?
There was Balaam and a talking donkey, Moses and a rod turned snake, a raven feeding Elijah, Lions’
mouths shut for Daniel, Gideon and the foxes, Peter and a fish with a coin in its mouth.
There are stories of camels, horses, birds, bears, cows, sheep and even pigs.
This unit is very lengthy and can cover several weeks or more. Learners can learn about different
kinds of animals and their specific characteristics.
Animals can be experienced in what we read, sing, make, play, eat and learn.
Perhaps this would be a great time to adopt a class pet to teach Learners the
importance of caring for animals.
COST: $25.00 EACH
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This Lesson accompanies
The Carpenter’s Kids® pre-school curriculum. The Bible-based curriculum includes academic basics, sign language, beginning Spanish, and Biblical lessons formatted to teach Learners in a classroom setting or one-on-one in a Home School.
To learn more about this
curriculum, click here.
Created by Robyn L.
Hudson |
Illustrated by Clay Hayes |
Designed by Gerald Hudson |
Design by Stuart Hayes |
© 2001 By Robyn L. Hudson
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the United States
Published by The Carpenter’s Kids®
Loganville, Georgia 30052