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The Animals A - Z Coloring Book (Limited Supply. Please call before ordering or to find out about electronic download)

The Animals A – Z Coloring Book has twenty-six delightful coloring pages to illustrate twenty-six of the animals in God’s kingdom. There is a coloring page for each letter of the alphabet. Pictures include the following animals:
Alligator Nightingale
Bear Octopus
Cow Pig
Dog Quail
Elephant Rhinoceros
Fish Squirrel
Grasshopper Tiger
Horse Urodele
Insect Viper
Jaguar Walrus
Kangaroo EXtinct (Dinosaur)
Lion Yak
Monkey Zebra

COST: $8.00 EACH
(Includes Shipping and Handling)

Discount rates available for orders of multiple quantities
(call or email for details)

Also available in the Student Package

This Coloring Book accompanies The Carpenter’s Kids® pre-school curriculum. The Bible-based curriculum includes academic basics, sign language, beginning Spanish, and Biblical lessons formatted to teach Learners in a classroom setting or one-on-one in a Home School. To learn more about this curriculum, click here.

Created by Robyn L. Hudson

 Illustrated by Clay Hayes

Logo Designed by Gerald Hudson

Graphics Design by Stuart Hayes

No part of this book may be reproduced or copied in any form.
Each individual Learner is to have his/her own copy
of this coloring book.

© 2001 By Robyn L. Hudson
All Rights Reserved

Printed in the United States

Published by The Carpenter’s Kids® 
Loganville, Georgia 30052

Contact us via e-mail at
or by phone at 770-466-9341.

The Animals A-Z Coloring Book 

Scotty the Squirrel

Woody the Walrus